Most consumers desire a personal experience. We want the bartender to know our name and make our favorite drink just the way we like it. I want a suit that fits me just right and not one off the rack… Read More
New Year, New Technology, New Frontiers
The calendar has flipped from 2020 to 2021. Many people are bidding 2020 a hearty ‘raspberry’ farewell and are assuming 2021 has GOT to be better. Perhaps. But two things come to mind. One is that just because the number has… Read More
Getting out of the ‘meh’ zone and avoiding failed tech adoption for fleet needs
Rushing the vendor-selection process, and choosing the wrong solution for a fleet’s current and future needs, is sort of like marrying the first person you date.
Automation Isn’t Always the Answer
Humans have been making predictions probably ever since we’ve developed consciousness. Most people will agree that the vast majority of predictions with a distant horizon have proven untrue. A few were spot-on such as concepts like video telephony and self-driving… Read More