Find out the four reasons shippers initially purchase a Transportation Management System (TMS) and the three reasons why the planning and optimization capabilities of TMSs are underutilized.
FreightTech Reality Check: Insights on AI Impact and Effective TMS Implementation
Brad Forester sits down with Joe Lynch, host of The Logistics of Logistics podcast to talk about the FreightTech market, focusing on the impact of AI and machine learning, and strategies for implementing logistics technology.
Navigating the TMS Landscape: Why Cloud-Based Transportation Management is Worth Considering
Choosing between cloud-based and on-premise TMS solutions can be a complex decision that depends on several factors. This article compares and contrasts cloud-based and non-cloud-based TMS to help you identify which is best for your organization.
How Do Shippers Know When They Need Sophisticated TMS Optimization?
Here are the four factors that can be used to identify those shippers that will truly benefit from this capability. A shipper does not need to have all 4 attributes, but they do need to have both a minimum freight spend and at least one other characteristic to make optimization beneficial.
How Can Liquor Help With Your Labor Challenges?
What’s one topic most industries can relate to each other about? Labor. No matter the industry, labor is a challenge. Logistics experts Brad Forester, founder and CEO of JBF Consulting, and Brian Carlson, Principal at Cornerstone Edge met for a short LinkedIn Live discussion on the topic.
Fleet Solutions: Insights from the Descartes Innovation Forum
Key areas of focus from the recent Descartes Innovation Forum included a customer engagement platform enabling on-demand delivery tracking, a mobile solution for driver safety training, and integrated route planning considering drivers’ HOS with Geotab ELDs.
The #1 Mistake Shippers Make When Implementing a TMS
When it comes to implementing a transportation management system (TMS), a critical mistake many shippers make is setting the implementation budget and timeline based on a software vendors’ average implementation duration estimates.
Digging into the Data: Master Your Testing Approach
Choosing a new technology platform involves more than just design and build phases; the importance of rigorous testing, influenced by various factors such as customer requirements and available resources, cannot be underestimated for a successful implementation.
Unpacking FourKites’ Vision for Connected Supply Chains: A Recap of the 2023 Visibility Conference
The FourKites Visibility Conference 2023 focused on a connected ecosystem resonates with the current demands of global supply chains. While FourKites is clearly innovating and expanding its offerings, it’s crucial to keep an eye on how they balance adding value to clients without stepping on the toes of traditional TMS providers.
5 Key Aspects of OTM Platform: 2023 Update
A deep dive into Oracle’s client-driven enhancements in its latest release. Key areas of focus include investments in AI & ML, digital broker integration for carrier cost optimization, UX & Workbench enhancements, dock scheduling, and global trade management.